
Monday, December 29, 2014

Board Games and Love

I hate board games.

I don't mean to offend anyone or make someone cry or anything like that but they just aren't exactly my cup of tea. I'd rather hang out and talk, watch a movie, or go for a walk.

But that doesn't mean I get to avoid them. 

I married a woman who loves board games. And when I say loves I mean LOVES. She could play 15 games consecutively then want to go onto another one. So guess who has been playing lots of board games during the holiday break? And guess who's had to join her so she could have someone to play against?

After much inner complaining or stuggle, I've learned to get over myself and just play. Because most of the time, it's not that bad. It's actually fun (especially if a competitive person like me wins). And I love my wife.

That's what you do when you love someone. You get over yourself for various things and activities and such that might get on your nerves or make you want to go crazy. 

You do this for whatever the 'board games might be.' Whether doing the dishes drives someone up a wall or having a nasty sink makes something want to scream or having The Lord of the Rings movies playing at least once a month in the house makes someone want to bust a window, you get over yourself and move on. You remember that what's most important, that you love this person more than you could ever realize.

So this post is dedicated to my wife. After our 10th Christmas together, I would like to say one of the most romantic things I could possibly say to you.

In the middle of my hatred for monopoly, racko, and rummy, at the center of my distaste for nearly any game with dice, cards or character you must move from place to place, there is always something there to cancel it out. There is always something there to push out those negative emotions so that I can actually have an enjoyable time. 

You've done this since I've met you for every turn that takes place in this real game of life. For the real struggles, for the real hardships, for the wonderful times, for the not so wonderful times. You've been there to brighten up my attitude, my life, and change my perspective to let me see, I've enjoyed all of it with you.

So to my wife, this one romantic thing I'd like to say is simple...

You're worth the board games.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Bag Thief

Saturday Night I left our diaper bag in the Kroger parking lot. Normally not a big deal except it just so happened to have my wife's wrist wallet inside. All credit cards, debit cards, cash, one fairly large check, her driver's license, and over $350 in gift cards from multiple baby showers.

We didn't realize it until we needed to change my daughter after dinner. In a panic, we traveled back to Kroger only to find the bag absent. No one in Kroger found it. No trash cans held it. 

Stolen. Hundreds of dollars lost. Pain and anger gained. 

I was infuriated. I was disappointed. I wanted to give both myself and the thief a swift right cross. Any 'Christmas Spirit' I might have had disintegrated.

Later in the night we sat back at home gloomily watching the Grinch as I wanted to find the Grinch who put a giant damper on our Christmas. I couldn't understand how someone could so willingly take something that wasn't there's without a care for how much it might affect the owner.

In those moments I lost my faith in humanity. I absolutely prayed for the situation and hoped for the best but I couldn't get it out of my mind. The idea of thoughtless, selfish people, the exact opposite feeling I want to have during this season. 

My teeth grinded and my bones quivered as I sat upon my swirl emotions.

And then the doorbell rang.

A young teenage girl and her father asked for my wife's name. 

"No way." We both said with our jaws dropped. 

In the man's hands was the diaper bag filled with every single item accounted for with the check that had our address on it sticking on the outside.

Pam and I, both with tears in our eyes, shook their hands and gave them a hug thanking them over and over. 

"Yup. Have a good night." The girl insisted.

"Merry Christmas." The dad smiled.

It would be all the merrier now.

All my negative thoughts and energy lifted from my shoulders in one doorbell ring, one kind gesture, one group of loving people.

Regardless of how much filth, destruction and violence that is broadcast in our world there are still good-willed people in this world. There are still those who will go out if their way to do what's right. One of the many characteristics of the spirit of Christmas.

These people can help make a horrible night a great one. They can make a story you don't want to tell, one you can't stop sharing. 

They are out there. 

And they are awesome.

May your eyes be opened to see that company this Christmas season.

May YOU be one of those good-willed people for others.

And may the Spirit of Christmas be something that is spread year round.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Big INsights-More Quotes and Excerpts

A few more pieces from my upcoming book 'Big INsights: A Semester's Worth of Small Truths'. Each of these in the book will be a daily reading of quotes to focus on for that day. But since I'd like for you to see a little more, there are four of them for you here, now. Hope you enjoy them!

The one question we need to ask ourselves after it all is not “what were your sins?” but “what did you do in spite of your sin?” 

Getting to know will always be more effective than getting to serve. However, when these two elements are combined, that is effective service indeed. 

The amount of time or length of a friendship means nothing. It is the width of open arms & hearts with the depth of conversations and actions.

I hope to walk slow through all of it, run to where I’m called & grow in wisdom as I breathe. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

"Creator's Plea"

Below is an excerpt from 1 of my 3 upcoming books due out Jauary 1st.

'Big INsights: A Semester's Worth of Small Truths" 

It's a book of daily readings of small lessons, truths and poems that
I learned over the course of a difficult, yet rewarding semester of working in church ministry. The tiny pieces of writing are meant to be read and taken in with each new day. These lessons influenced my life so greatly that I wanted to share them with the hope that they can have a positive impact on you as well.

The ebook will be found on Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Noble and all other major e-reading devices. The Print Version will be available exclusively on Amazon.

Enjoy the poem below!

“The Creator’s Plea”
Please don't resent me, try to push & to shove,
All I want to give you is more than My love.
You want the world & hope to consume it,
Yet you're still angry, it never fills one bit.
You hope the bigger the paycheck, the better the feeling,
The things you then buy, lose their zest, now are reeling.
You're selfish indulgences, the "you-focused" ambitions,
They all seem great since their under your conditions.
I don't understand the choices for what you do,
Say I don't do enough, but I'm here just for you.
Come home to me, just please come here at last,
I'll do everything & more just like I have in the past.
You have your burdens, lay them all on me,
You have your bondage, I will set you free.
This is nothing new, that I have felt this way.
The same goes for you, though you've pushed it astray.
So you apparently have never been the problem,
It's always been someone else who has caused them.
Look in the mirror & I know what you see,
It's fear, regret, & selfish iniquity.
You know ,deep down, your decisions are wrong,
You're too scared to face your demons of so long.
I cannot comprehend why you attempt to slip?
Because no matter what you try, I'll only tighten my grip.
These new ones who have brought you to this place,
Have a deep hook on you, & it has changed your face.
You defend because I "don't approve of them."
That it's because I "didn't choose your friends."
& you're right to say those very things,
The certain fact is, you're pulled on their string.
They've only opened the can of how you're now known.
Yet you've shaped this new you all on your own.
All in all this self-motivation,
Has only garnished Me beyond frustrations.
The lying, the cheating, & bingeing of all kinds.
Bitterness, anger, hatred to Me that binds.
Yet here I am standing directly before you,
Willing to always have you, & forever hold you.
Please don't resent me, try to push & to shove,
All I want to give you is more than My love.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Let It Out

My wife and I have a 5 year old yellow Labrador retriever named Harley.

In some ways he still thinks he's a puppy. In other ways he still thinks he's the size of a puppy. Yet at a healthy 120 lbs, he'd prefer to sit in your lap than lie on the floor.

But one of my favorite things about this dog is how he good he can be. Sometimes he waits up 8-9 hours until we get home. So much energy to contain for such a long time. Many dogs might rip couch cushions to shreds, terrorize wall with their paws or maybe even leave a "present" on the floor. 

But not Harley. 

He controls himself. Holds it all in. And then when we finally get home, he lets it all out. He runs up and down, back and forth until I let him outside. After I let him outside, he thinks the party had begun.

He goes over to the corner of the fence and waits for me to grab his toy. I pick it up, toss it and he's off. He sprints. He dips. He turns. 

With a face like a mad man set free from the ward, and violent steps like a horse let onto the track, he runs. He goes until he's out of breath. But he's satisfied.

He's let it all out of his system. The pent up energy, the anxiousness from waiting, the stress of having to have quiet, acceptable behavior, it all disappears with a moment of release. 

When was the last time you let it all out? Your stresses, your pent up energy, your anxiousness, when was the last time you got that out of your system?

Whatever it is, whether you have to dance, or sprint or let out a barbaric scream.

Take time away from it all.

Be free for a moment.

And let it out.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Geeking Out

I am a geek. A nerdist. A deep admirer for certain genres. I love superheroes and comic books. I love Sci-Fi/Adventure Books and Movies. 

I'm the guy who reads and discusses movie news about Star Wars Episode VII at least once every two days. I'm the guy who went crazy and saw the final Harry Potter movie 6 times in the theater. I'm the guy who wears superhero t-shirts more than anything else in my wardrobe. 

I'm a nerd. I'm a geek. Whatever you want to call it, I geek out. Hard.

I know this happens to me for a reason beyond the fact that these things are just plain epic on all accounts.

The reason is story.

I relish in the story of these characters and the adventures they partake in. In these vast imaginative worlds, I relate to them. I see pieces of myself in them. They make me feel as though I can slay the dragons, fly in to save the helpless and use the force to do good. They make me feel as though every day can be an adventure. Every day can be a chance to seek justice and do what is right. They make me want to dream big.

The problem is, until a recent wake up call, I have often left it at that. I kept dreaming but never did any more. Never sought adventure. Never fought for justice.

I geeked out over these fictional tales but forgot about the real one I'm living.

Imagine if we geeked out on our own stories. Imagine if we became so passionate about this life and this story that we lived it out like the characters many, like myself, go crazy over.  If we sought adventure. If we fought for justice.

Become a geek. 

Geek out hard if that's what it takes. 

Geek out for the story you've been given as it follows a story greater than yourself. 

Seek justice. Find adventure.

May your life just plain epic on all accounts.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Person of Heart

I'm a huge fan of Nebraska Husker Football. And in case you haven't heard, on Sunday they fired their head football coach, Bo Pelini.

Reasons being that he never won big games or won any type of championship, on a conference or national level. Also, the perceptions seemed to be that his bosses didn't like the way he represented the university on television when he lost his temper like most football coaches do. But contrary to what people believed, and how television perceived him, Bo was a solid guy. At least he was to me first hand. 

I wrote an open letter to Nebraska football about my experience of watching my daughter a few hours after she was born while the Nebraska-Miami game played in the background. A week later Bo Pelini wrote me back personally, congratulating me on her birth and wishing us the best as a family. 

No cameras, no press conference, none of that. Just him as a man.. A good man. I don't think many high profile coaches would take time out of their busy day to read the letter, let alone respond. A man of heart.

On top of this, his players, both current and past, have said over and over again that they don't just love Coach Bo, but they'd die for him. Die for him because he showed them how to have a good heart.

And then today Nebraska hired a new coach, Mike Riley. 

As I noticed from comments to various articles and new sources, thousands beyond thousands of Husker fans flipped out in anger because he wasn't on anyone's radar of who they thought they'd hire. He's not exactly a high profile name who has won championships.

But you want to know what nearly every player says about Mike Riley? They'd die for him. They'd die for him because of how showed them to have a good heart.

Coach Riley is well-known for his Christian faith. Not to mention Bo has the same faith.

Two good men teaching young men what it takes to be one outside of football. Men of heart. 

wonder if we might ever live in a society where being a person full of integrity, and love might outweigh the wins. 

guess I can understand it from a university stand point. Its a business mentality. It's all about the money I suppose. You have to so what you have to do for the benefit of the money.

But I think what should be first on our minds is the person, and the people they are affecting. Not the numbers.

We live in a world where we measure things by accomplishments and successes and forget about the heart. So much so that we tell people their unsuccessful when they still have it.

Imagine a world where this wasn't the case. Imagine where people kept up and lifted up and supported at all costs for things of integrity, things of love, things of heart over anything else.

encourage you, be a person who looks at the character and heart of another before you tear them down for what they have or haven't done.

Be a person that others will look at the character and heart of.

Be a person of integrity.

Be a person of love.

Be a person of heart.

Monday, December 1, 2014

I'm Alive

I recently enjoyed a Saturday in our living room watching my nine week old daughter go back and forth in her baby swing. 

She had swung in it quite a few times before, but for whatever reason, this ride was by far the greatest. She has just reached the point of having enough strength to hold her head up long enough that she can look back and forth by putting her head on a swivel. I guess doing this while swinging from left to right was too much excitement.

The entire time she did this, she not only smiled, but laughed every fifteen seconds or so. Now mind you, she is still coming into her own with the laugh. It sounds like a hiccup mixed with a small scream. Kind of like if a miniature seahorse was ever choking on air.

A few days later I watched her for a few moments with a smirk on the side of my face as she raised her hands and kicked as Christmas music played in the background and stopped when the music stopped.

That night I discovered that every time our dog gives her a big wet kiss when she's crying, the tears cease and a smile goes on.

Each and every day she experiences something new. Each and every day I am seeing her personality come together and change as a result of that new experience. And each experience, she ends up with a smile on her face afterwards.

I think she's showing me one thing.

She enjoys being alive.

We can take notes from the humans on this planet who have the least amount of life experience. We should take in all experiences-both good and bad-and let them sink into one final truth.

I am here. 

I am alive. 

I have life within my soul. 

I will enjoy it.