Below is an excerpt from 1 of my 3 upcoming books due out Jauary 1st.
'Big INsights: A Semester's Worth of Small Truths"
It's a book of daily readings of small lessons, truths and poems that
I learned over the course of a difficult, yet rewarding semester of working in church ministry. The tiny pieces of writing are meant to be read and taken in with each new day. These lessons influenced my life so greatly that I wanted to share them with the hope that they can have a positive impact on you as well.
The ebook will be found on Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Noble and all other major e-reading devices. The Print Version will be available exclusively on Amazon.
Enjoy the poem below!
“The Creator’s Plea”
Please don't resent me, try to push & to shove,
All I want to give you is more than My love.
You want the world & hope to consume it,
Yet you're still angry, it never fills one bit.
You hope the bigger the paycheck, the better the feeling,
The things you then buy, lose their zest, now are reeling.
You're selfish indulgences, the "you-focused" ambitions,
They all seem great since their under your conditions.
I don't understand the choices for what you do,
Say I don't do enough, but I'm here just for you.
Come home to me, just please come here at last,
I'll do everything & more just like I have in the past.
You have your burdens, lay them all on me,
You have your bondage, I will set you free.
This is nothing new, that I have felt this way.
The same goes for you, though you've pushed it astray.
So you apparently have never been the problem,
It's always been someone else who has caused them.
Look in the mirror & I know what you see,
It's fear, regret, & selfish iniquity.
You know ,deep down, your decisions are wrong,
You're too scared to face your demons of so long.
I cannot comprehend why you attempt to slip?
Because no matter what you try, I'll only tighten my grip.
These new ones who have brought you to this place,
Have a deep hook on you, & it has changed your face.
You defend because I "don't approve of them."
That it's because I "didn't choose your friends."
& you're right to say those very things,
The certain fact is, you're pulled on their string.
They've only opened the can of how you're now known.
Yet you've shaped this new you all on your own.
All in all this self-motivation,
Has only garnished Me beyond frustrations.
The lying, the cheating, & bingeing of all kinds.
Bitterness, anger, hatred to Me that binds.
Yet here I am standing directly before you,
Willing to always have you, & forever hold you.
Please don't resent me, try to push & to shove,
All I want to give you is more than My love.
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