One of my childhood role models past away yesterday after a long bout with cancer. His name was Stuart Scott. Longtime ESPN broadcaster who made SportsCenter fun to watch.
In the 7th grade I thought the coolest thing in the world would be to have his job (after my professional basketball career was over of course). Watch sports, talk about them on tv AND get paid for it!? It seemed like the best gig around.
Now, I have obviously gone a different route in my life with different interests taking over other ones. But I never in a million years would have said that I wanted to be a newscaster or a sportscaster. That just wasn't me.
But for some reason when this man, with his signature catch phrases like 'Boo yah', 'cooler than the other side of the pillow' and numerous others, came on tv and covered sports news, it was exciting, hilarious and awesome all at the same time. He brought life to the moment.
And I wanted to be like him.
Though, quickly after looking into sports journalism, I realized it just wasn't for me, but still...he was one of those personalities that drew you in. He made you want to mimic him. He made you interested in his trade even if you weren't really interested at first. He had a contagious liveliness when you watched him like no other in his position.
He had an iconic speech this summer where he talked about his fight with cancer and summed up this contagious liveliness he possessed with one quote:
"You don't lose to cancer when you die. You beat it by how you live, why you live and the manner in which you live."
Replace the word cancer with whatever it is that you feel that might be beating you or hurting you and you will see something here.
There is truth and power in these words for all of us.
May you bring life to each moment.
May you live with contagious liveliness.
May you beat your struggles, pains, addictions and ailments by how you live, why you live and the manner in which you live.
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