
Friday, February 27, 2015

Work with Dad

As most parents know, finding childcare for your baby can be a difficult process. Fortunately for us, though, I have job where our little one can come to work with me. It is definitely something else. 

She does everything with Daddy each weekday. She's with me so much at work you could say she has become an honorary staff member. And she seems to love every second of it. 

My little worker bee hangs in there just fine.

She sits in my lap as I write up emails. (Of which she loves slapping the keyboard as many times as possible. Sometimes even slipping unknown words into them like hkluoijlm and rdmk9oui and my personal favorite 67jdxcf2q3aw once signed at the bottom of a reply email.)

She strolls around in her walker as I research and plan. (Strolling is a slight understatement. It's more like crashing into everything in sight and squealing like a baby pig with every step taken).

She takes naps in a swing that lies next to my desk in my office. (This is, by far, the quietest time I get work done. And strangely, its the most distracting. I guess I've gotten used to the noise).

She even goes to every staff meeting. (My least favorite hour or so becomes her absolute favorite hour or so each week. Don't know why, but staff meetings are apparently the best times to get the most attention from a variety of people and the best time to be alert and awake).

If some of you are reading this and you're thinking "you're nuts" or "How do you actually get any work done?" Let me blow your mind a little bit. I actually work better now than I did before. Not sure if it's because my girl is always keeping me on my toes or what, but my brain is more alert and my willingness to get things done well and get them done right has increased. 

I now get things done with more efficiency and with hardly any procrastination as I inadvertently used to do. I'm not necessarily saying this is how it will always be, I'm just saying it's how it is now. I think the reason I've found myself working even better since I started bringing her to work comes down to one big thing.

I'm constantly reminded of a very big thing: being her dad.

Obviously, I'm reminded by the normal daddy actions, like changing her diaper in the men's restroom, having to take a break to feed her or putting her down under my desk for a nap.

But something much bigger speaks to me. It's the fact that I get to enjoy every aspect of my day because she's there with me. No issue with work seems too big, no stress seems to worrisome, no assignment seems to insane. I get to have my little smiley, joyful baby (please no aw sounds) right here with me during everything that comes with work. 

Nothing can bring me down.

Because at the end of every day, after work, and stress, and difficulties, I get from things that come with the title of my job, I still get to have a title that is one of the best I've ever had: Dad. 

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