
Monday, March 9, 2015

Move to the Groove

I love music. I love singing it while I'm in the car. I love tapping my hands and feet to it whenever I'm alone. I love playing it on my guitar. I love the sensation it fills within my soul. And I know babies tend to love it as well. But personally, I think it's a little more intense for my daughter. 

I think I have a musician on my hands. Every time she hears music, it nearly makes her a different person in the moment. Whatever was previously happening is officially gone forever because music, glorious music is being played and she simply must stop to listen.

It's like from the moment she was born, she was neurologically programmed to be entranced by the sound of notes playing together. It's as if a hypnotist secretly snuck into the hospital after she was born and while were sleeping during her first few days of life, hypnotized her to go into another state of consciousness while any music played. (Boy that's creepy now that I think about it. New children's horror fiction for me to write possibly?)

Her first 4 months of life, I could often use the power of music to stop any crying, whining, or struggle. I would simple put some on (easy listening, she's not quite ready for AC/DC or Run DMC yet) and she'd stare into the glorious abyss of that sound unlike any other. But now at month 5 she has added a new element to the musical trance. Dancing.

Not sure exactly how to take all the strange new energy music gives her, she lets loose. If she's in her car seat, the arms go up and down, and legs start kicking. If she's lying on her mat, she rocks back and forth while bobbing her head. If she's in her walker she's bouncing up and down, swaying left and right, swerving, moving to the groove, and spinning around with a 360 that finishes in a perfectly executed moonwalk (maybe I went a little over the top there). She could be in frustrating pain from her teeth coming in or she could be so tired that the only solution seems to be fussy grumpiness. But when her 'jam' comes on (which is any song with a beat) all pain and fuss is gone and it is time to dance.

I guess I've once again learned a life lesson from this tiny ball of fun known as my daughter. Life is too short not to let loose and dance. 

If you're at the supermarket, dance.

If you're at the football game, dance.

If you're watching a movie at the theater...well...if it's a good movie that you enjoyed, then wait until after to celebrate how much you enjoyed it and then dance. This way, you won't make the other people in the theater angry which could resultin a complaint, which could lead to you getting kicked out, which could lead to you never seeing any movies in the local theater ever again. 

So maybe everywhere might not be the best place to let loose to a song, but still. Live a little, feel the rhythm, move to the music, and dance. 

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